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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- ARC Breaks with Auditors - B590228 | Сравнить
- Analysis of Cases - B590228 | Сравнить
- Clearing Commands - B590228 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Анализ Кейсов - Б590228 | Сравнить
CONTENTS ANALYSIS OF CASES Cохранить документ себе Скачать


A primary skill required of an accomplished auditor would be analysis of a case. The basic error is overestimating the case’s ability. All failures stem from a failure to undercut the reality of a case. If that reality level is reached, the case will improve. If not, the case remains stagnant.

RESULTS DEFINED: Case achieves a reality on change of case, somatic, behavior or appearance, for the better.

BETTER DEFINED: Negative gain. Things disappear that have been annoying or unwanted.

ABILITY GAIN DEFINED: Pc’s recognition that pc can now do things he could not do before.

INTELLIGENCE GAIN DEFINED: Loss of restimulation of stupidity by reason of attempts to confront or experience the problems of life. (Intelligence appears when stupidity is keyed out or erased.) Intelligence is a confronting ability.

FAMILIARITY: or familiarization permits intelligence to manifest. Reaching and withdrawing are more possible when stupidity is keyed out or erased. Increasing ability to reach and withdraw increases intelligence.

It can be seen that when attention is fixed, the ability to reach and withdraw decreases, therefore intelligence decreases, therefore the ability to change decreases, therefore no “case gain”.

Unfixing attention is done in various ways. As hypnotism is done by fixing attention, a parallel observation is that a person wakes up, receives less fixed effect, when attention becomes unfixed.

Unfixing attention must be done by increasing ability to reach and withdraw from the specific thing or person on which attention is fixed in the bank. The bank merely expresses a recording of past attention fixations.

Shocks of various kinds can unfix attention but always lead to a decrease in ability over a period. Unfixing attention by violence throws a case downscale. As the case goes upscale the attention refixes on things violence unfixed it from.

Clearing is a gradient process of finding places where attention is fixed and restoring the ability of the pc to place and remove attention under his own determinism.

Case Analysis consists then of the determination of where pc’s attention (at current state of case) is fixed on the track and restoring pc’s determinism over those places.

This is done by:

1. PT Problem running.

2. Dynamic survey and remedy of fixed points.

3. Selected items and persons survey and unfixing other-determined attention at those points.

The auditor’s skill in locating where attention is now fixed is even greater now than the auditor’s ability to remedy the fixation of the pc’s attention since this latter problem is fairly well in hand.

There are many ways of doing a survey to determine what the pc’s attention is fixed upon now. The E-Meter and interrogation of the pc are the main methods.

“What has your attention been fixed on lately (or ‘in this Life’)?” would elicit a reply that could then be used in the questions

“Recall a time when you did something to (item or person so located).”

“Recall a time when you withheld something from (item or person so selected).”

If you find the exact item or person on which attention is fixed, you achieve immediate case gain, which is to say reality, which is to say interest, in-sessionness, success.

If any pc you are running has not manifested case gain, reality, interest, in- sessionness, then one of two things is true:

1. You haven’t found the item or person on which pc’s attention is other-determinedly fixed and haven’t run it yet, or

2. Pc is gone-man-gone.

I trust this may be of some small assistance in learning how to analyze a case.